Union City Music Project - After School Orchestral Music Education Program for At-Risk Hudson County Children and Youth

UCMP has continued to provide 130 students with six hours/week of music classes. UCMP has not only retained 100 pre-Covid students ages 3-to-18-years old and 14 teachers (97% retention), but also added 30 more students from their waiting lists to their Jan – June 2022 pre-school Paper Orchestra and school-aged After School Programs. To improve UCMP students’ social skills and academic performance through music education and thereby encourage them to do well and stay in school.

In our Spring 2022 (Jan. – June) and Fall 2022 (Sept. – Dec.) After School Orchestral Music Program, UCMP added 50 students ages 3-to-18-years-old to our 98 existing students and employed 15 part-time teachers. UCMP’s after school classes resumed in our five day-a-week pre-Covid schedule, with students attending three days/week for six hours of instruction/week.

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