Save Latin America – Diabetes Outreach Campaign

(As of December 2020)

Increase in 348.08% from the first half to the second half of the year with 4,177 participants enrolled in the program.

Provided Shop Rite (supermarket) gift cards as an incentive for individuals to be educated on diabetes, the COVID-19 connection and the role of nutrition.

Offered 23 Spanish-language Zoom Diabetes sessions.

Save Latin America’s outreach helped forty (40) individuals identify their diabetes risk and what strategies would be best for them and their life styles. Overall, 298 individuals have been identified under this category.  

(As of June 2020)

657 Participants Enrolled in the Program                                                

258 Unknown Diabetes Diagnosis in Program                    

657 General Diabetes Education                                          

109 Monthly Education Sessions                                          

124 Monthly Nutrition Sessions                                          

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